Ho vinto la lotteria di Capodanno 1989


Ciottoli is a journalist with absolutely no prospects for his career, a lot of debts and a mobster that wants him dead. Unexpectedly he wins the national lottery (almost Eur 2.5 million) and tries to remain anonymous, hiding the w...

Tous les titres
  • IT: Ho vinto la lotteria di Capodanno Ho vinto la lotteria di Capodanno
  • IT: Ho vinto la lotteria di Capodanno Ho vinto la lotteria di Capodanno
  • RU: Выигрыш в новогоднюю лотерею Выигрыш в новогоднюю лотерею
  • UA: Виграш в новорічну лотерею Виграш в новорічну лотерею
  • US: I Won the New Year's Lottery I Won the New Year's Lottery
Date de sortie 22 Dec 1989
Lien IMDb
