Azınlık raporu 2002

Action Crime Mystery

In a future where a special police unit is able to arrest murderers before they commit their crimes, an officer from that unit is himself accused of a future murder.

Tous les titres
  • US: Minority Report Minority Report
  • AR: Minority Report: Sentencia previa Minority Report: Sentencia previa
  • AU: Minority Report Minority Report
  • AT: Minority Report Minority Report
  • BR: Minority Report: A Nova Lei Minority Report: A Nova Lei
  • BG: Специален доклад Специален доклад
  • CA: Rapport minoritaire Rapport minoritaire
  • CA: Minority Report Minority Report
  • CO: Sentencia previa Sentencia previa
  • HR: Specijalni izvještaj Specijalni izvještaj
  • US: Minority Report Minority Report
  • EE: Minority Report - kolmas otsus Minority Report - kolmas otsus
  • FI: Minority Report Minority Report
  • FR: Minority Report Minority Report
  • DE: Minority Report Minority Report
  • GR: Minority Report Minority Report
  • HU: Különvélemény Különvélemény
  • IO: Minority Report Minority Report
  • IO: Minority Report Minority Report
  • IO: माइनॉरिटी रिपोर्ट माइनॉरिटी रिपोर्ट
  • IT: Minority Report Minority Report
  • JP: マイノリティ・リポート マイノリティ・リポート
  • LV: Īpašais zinojums Īpašais zinojums
  • LT: Įspėjantis pranešimas Įspėjantis pranešimas
  • MX: Minority report: Sentencia previa Minority report: Sentencia previa
  • PH: Minority Report Minority Report
  • PL: Raport mniejszości Raport mniejszości
  • PT: Relatório Minoritário Relatório Minoritário
  • RO: Raport special Raport special
  • RU: Особое мнение Особое мнение
  • RS: Сувишни извештај Сувишни извештај
  • SG: Minority Report Minority Report
  • SK: Minority Report Minority Report
  • SI: Posebno poročilo Posebno poročilo
  • ZA: Minority Report Minority Report
  • ES: Minority Report Minority Report
  • TW: 關鍵報告 關鍵報告
  • UA: Особлива думка Особлива думка
  • AE: Minority Report Minority Report
  • UA: Minority Report Minority Report
  • US: Total Recall 2 Total Recall 2
  • US: Second Sight Second Sight
  • US: Minority Report Minority Report
  • UY: Minority Report: Sentencia previa Minority Report: Sentencia previa
  • VE: Sentencia previa Sentencia previa
  • VN: Bản Báo Cáo Thiểu Số Bản Báo Cáo Thiểu Số
Date de sortie 21 Jun 2002
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