Ölümcül Fidye 2000


A wealthy banker and his daughter are kidnapped by a gang of thugs. The girl's boyfriend, who serves in the special units of the US Navy, is in possession of particular psychic powers. It will be thanks to these powers he will dis...

Tous les titres
  • US: Deadly Ransom Deadly Ransom
  • AR: Rescate imposible Rescate imposible
  • BG: Смъртоносен откуп Смъртоносен откуп
  • DE: Fight Explosion Fight Explosion
  • DE: Die Kampfmaschine - Das Dschungelmassaker Die Kampfmaschine - Das Dschungelmassaker
  • HU: Szürke farkasok Szürke farkasok
  • IT: Riscatto mortale Riscatto mortale
  • RU: Смертельный выкуп Смертельный выкуп
  • ES: Rescate mortal Rescate mortal
  • UA: Deadly Ransom Deadly Ransom
  • US: Deadly Ransom Deadly Ransom
Date de sortie 15 Feb 2000
Lien IMDb
